Sunday, May 09, 2010

Back in the forest

Hello, everyone, I’m home! A few more entries from the diary of medical history to sum up where we are. All did not go as smoothly as one might have hoped!

Monday April 26th – had anterior resection and temporary ileostomy (apparently). Surgeons say the operation was very successful; spend the next few days recovering and trying to count the number of holes that have been made in my skin.

Friday April 30th – I get the word I am to be allowed home today and, having phoned Sheila to tell her, I walk to the ward window to admire the view of the Wiltshire hills in the distance, which is a bit difficult as this is obscured by three massive air ducts and the hospital laundry. Experience a severe posterior epistaxis – sounds better than a “bad nosebleed” doesn’t it? Following a traumatic visit to ENT, I am told I have to stay in. Epistaxis occurs on two further occasions, the second resulting in the on call Registrar having to drive from Southampton to take charge, and a tranfusion of two units of blood.

Saturday May 1st – Am taken by ambulance to Southampton Hospital (“blue-lighted”, I understand! Exciting, eh? Not.) Spend a total of four days (and as many sleepless nights) in Ward F5, not being allowed to eat or drink anything hot because of the epistaxis thing, and not being allowed out of bed.

Wednesday May 5th – I can go!! They tell me at 1.30pm and I ring Sheila with the good news. She arrives at 3.25pm, having queued for 40 minutes to get into the car park, I get dressed, and all we have to do is wait for my sack of medication to come up from Pharmacy. We manage to get away at 6.05pm. No, don’t say it, I already have.

Friday May 7th – Post-op clinic appointment with consultant who confirms that the tumour was self-contained and had not spread to the lymph nodes. The pathologist, however, spotted some minor microscopic vascular invasion which may or may not require chemo. This is up to the oncologist, who I’m seeing next week. So there it is. For the record, and for about two weeks following discharge, I have to:

(1) Avoid blowing my nose
Avoid picking my nose (as if I would)
Avoid strenuous exercise (damn!)
(4) Avoid lifting heavy weights, such as a full kettle (it says that – honest!) (5) Keep baths/showers cool (sod off!)
Avoid bending over (wilco)
See you soon!