We reached a point where a decision had to be made as to whether to do the half-mile or so to Ziegler Passage, taking in Smuggler’s Road on the way back, or do Smuggler’s Road (which was only a few hundred yards away) first. I began to formulate a cunning plan and suggested that, as it appeared I was slightly *ahem* injured, we should go for Smuggler’s Road and, as I had done Ziegler Passage previously, I would make my way to the car park above it and await collection. This was agreed and I punched the air with a mental fist – the fools had failed to spot the evil cunningness with which my plan had been imbued. The cache was found quite easily eventually – oh all right! Omally – damn his unerring sense of detectiveness (he must have had his caching nose screwed on really tight) – found it! He also saved Tammy’s life by preventing a branch from falling on her, using his head to hold it up while he calmly and coolly made notes on how to prevent it killing him when he moved.

I struggled manfully up the track leading to the car park and sat on a grassy bank nursing my injured erm…thingy, you know, the muscly thingy down by the wotsit bone – it was agony, I can tell you, and I had to spend a good fifteen minutes or so sat sitting in the bally sun while a deliciously cooling breeze swirled about the place – sheer hell! The Omallymobile duly arrived and we made our way back to the Best Pub etc. where it was necessary to imbibe some more cooling nectar to refresh the parts before saying farewell. What fun!
Amatuer Grockle, more like! You didn't even get the right car-park to wait in, you totally missed the scantily clad (pants only) lady sun-bather just a few hundred yards down the road. How rubbish. ;)
Thanks for a fabbo visit to most certainly the best pub in the South, maybe even the whole World! :D
Chris: Even my temporary Grockle status seems to be hanging by a thread now, by virtue of the unintentionally careless avoidance of a half-naked sunbather; Andy: I look forward to it; Omally: You promised to bring a towel for me, good job I had a cunning plan! :p
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