Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I have another sad occasion in my life to attend to this coming Friday. My wife Sheila's stepfather died last week and his funeral is taking place in Manchester this coming Friday, which necessitates my travelling up there on Thursday (she is already there, having flown up on Monday night to look after her mother). Matt is coming with me so I will have company; Blink 182 may well also be in attendance on the journey, but I suppose I'll have to put up with that! *packs Nurofen* Some sad things are happening blogwise also and it is upsetting to see people whom I consider friends vilifying each other and messing about moderating comments and the like for reasons which may or may not be right at the end of the day. I suppose I ought to try and distance myself from it and some have already commented (including me, rightly or wrongly), but all I will say is that, among my experiences (during which I have had several of the bitter variety), emotions run very high in matters of the heart and, sometimes, one says and does things in the heat of the moment. I'm not saying that is what has happened and I am well aware that we may not know the full facts now or even ever, but, well, it just makes me sad. However treacly it sounds, time does heal and I hope friendship – something which I have attached considerable importance to over the last 18 months or so – endures. It is a commodity that too few are fortunate enough to enjoy these days. I'm just saying, not taking sides.


Nick said...

And rightly so.

Sorry to hear about your loss, Lois.

Jeangenie said...

It's an unsettling time, isn't it? My sympathies to you and your family.

Peter said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. Mrs H and I send our thought to yuo and your family

Anonymous said...

Love to you and yours.


Maris said...

Oh bugger. That is all.

Much love from over here x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Lois. Hope the day goes as well as these things can. Drive carefully x

NigelH said...

Thank you all for your comments and good wishes.