Friday, April 21, 2006

Money laundering

When my mother-in-law comes to stay, the house becomes miraculously cleaner and my wardrobe becomes full of ironed shirts and T-shirts, to the extent that, to make room, I generally end up throwing away the odd garment that has seen better days. Just before she arrived, I had to vacuum the carpet in Matt's room, which she was to occupy for the duration of her stay with us, the room, that is, not the carpet. Not that she was going to stay in the room all the time, of course, that would be madness. Anyway, before commencing to clean, I had to remove various items from the carpet, not least of which was the princely sum of £2.64, made up of various small denomination coins, nothing higher than a 20p. After she arrived, one morning found her cleaning underneath the bed, where she recovered another £4.30 in small change! What's that all about?


Jeangenie said...

I found a similar sum in small change on The Boy's floor, as well (although in his case nothing of higher value than 2p). I don't understand either. So I've hidden it for him. :D

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen my six pounds ninety four? i'm sure i had it round here somewhere...

Anonymous said...

Morty always seems to find change when she's out and about. I attribute it to her being closer to the floor than the rest of us.
Mort's Mom

NigelH said...
