Friday, April 13, 2007

She wasn't wearing a toga, though...

I was watching the BBC News at lunchtime and an item about a housing development in Rochester, Kent, was presented by an attractive young lady reporter. Her name? Julia Caesar. I'm just going to telephone her Mum and Dad and have a right go at them!


Peter said...

She's not the first famous person with that name...

and whilst you are at it can you sort out Ms Nannar's parents ( )

NigelH said...

Hmmm, I must remember to look out for O, en så'n natt! (1937) when it comes out on DVD!

Lord Hutton said...

Whatever next? You'll be telling us there is an Edna Cloud, a Heidi Vodka and an Anita Bush on the radio!;-)

Anonymous said...


silver horde said...

What about Jo King?

ttfn jane

Anonymous said...

There used to be a Jenny Tailier at work for a while.

NigelH said...

Hahaha! I think that's bollocks!

Max said...

I wonder if inappropriately named reporters are selected based on merit or their comedy names?

There was a report recently about a death or what ever on a beach, and the reporters name was Sandy

Anonymous said...

Actually yes, there was some slight embroidery there: real surname Taylor