This is not a new shiny I appreciate having, really.
I need it if I know I have to walk more than about 500 yards (i.e. to the pub). Note the go faster stripes on it (they don't work, by the way).
The MRI scan I had fascinatingly showed two prolapsed discs – they've got letters and numbers, you know – and are doing something or other to my sciatic nerve. One of them is responsible for my left leg being (1) partially numb and (2) weak, hence the requirement to employ the aid pictured here.
Also, apparently, I have a something or other shoulder - well, I can't help it if I can't remember what the nice shoulder specialist at the Shoulder Clinic (I kid you not) called it, can I? I'd had an anaesthetic injection in it last November and, until now, it has been marvellous - I've even been able to get dressed by myself.
It's pissing me off a bit but there are folk a bloody sight worse off than me, aren't there? At least I've still got my sanity. *wibble*
Ooh, look - a blog!
Wanna borrow a scooter old chap? Hope it all mends soon.
The answer is not to go to the pub then.
Surely that can't be right?
Poor old thing. (wibberly voice) we're all getting old.
Frozen shoulder? Whatever, not nice. Have some {{hugs}}, they'll do some good!
Ah, the best accessory/weapon that any self-respecting curmudgeon should have in his arsenal. In fact, I bet you don't really need it; this is all a cover up and in truth you are the Scarlet Pimpernel and I claim my five pounds. :)
Hope you feel much better very soon, mateyskip!
I think it's our age. We're all falling apart.
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