Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Unsocial Network

By and large, I think the internet is one of the most significant and influential innovations of the modern age. You can interface with friends and family wherever in the world they might be, via the written word or live audio/video, you can buy and sell all manner of goods and services, and it is a vast source of information on anything you care to name - even donkey porn.

A lot of the time, though, it just gets on my bloody tripe.

You are - by which I mean, one is - well, at least, I am – if you’re still with me? - bombarded with e-mails from banks and building societies explaining that your account has been the subject of unusual activity – it would actually be unusual if I used it seeing as I don’t have an account with you – vital security checks requiring confirmation of your PIN and other account details. What can you do to put a cyber spanner in the works of these thieving morons? It’s a great shame there isn’t an option in Outlook to “reply with 5,000 volts”; that’d make their follicles sizzle. Maybe I should reply to them all, helpfully providing my hat/willy size, inside leg measurement and medical history, hoping they’ll eventually get fed up. Fat chance.

I have recently distanced myself from Farcebollok and disabled my account (it’s not your fault, by the way) – I object to the intrusive, overbearing way it subjects you to an unsolicited barrage of invitations to take part in inane quizzes the results of which are then published to an audience of your friends who are apparently agog with eager anticipation to learn what sort of television set you are (I bet I’m a wide screen) or which member of the cast of ‘Friends’ you would most like to (a) take out to dinner, (b) shag, or (c) punch in the face. No, I’m not going to tell you (although I imagine you could take an educated guess).

I really don’t want to know that someone has just found a three-legged brown sheep wandering (limping, surely? I am a pedant, after all) around the farm – I’m a tolerant sort of bloke and, if they want to play that game, leave them alone to do so, without a commentary which is best suited to a weak plot line in The Archers. The farmer’s wife going missing and a dismembered body discovered in a grain silo would be infinitely more interesting but I still remain unconvinced that I’d want to know about it.

Before I’d ever even countenanced going on Farcebollok (the only reason being that, just prior to taking the plunge, I didn’t fully understand how it worked but some friends persuaded me – to join, that is, not that I definitely didn’t know how it worked), I did have a temporary dalliance with MySpace but gradually became disenchanted with the eerie solitude – I believe it’s now known as MyEmptySpace.

I wonder how long it’ll be before I get fed up with Twitter?!


silver horde said...

I think you need to tweek your fb settings I don't get any rubbish/games/quizzes I don't want, only the status updates from friends that I do!

Jeangenie said...

Likewise; the boring games stuff is blockable.

Trouty said...

I really don’t see the point of these social networks.
If you want to send a message to friends, why not email them?
I belonged to Facebook for about three days and found myself receiving messages from complete strangers. Well, I didn’t want that so I unsubscribed.
Couldn’t agree more with you, Lois.
P.S. I don't tweet either.

Jeangenie said...

But you don't seem able to email me, Trouty, even though my email address hasn't changed. On FB you'd be able to send me a message.

Trouty said...

True, Jan but I refuse to re-join FB!

P.P.S. Donkey porn???
Errr.... no, I won't ask. I may learn something I'd rather not know about.

NigelH said...

Well, I've tried to banish all the inanities but I don't seem to be having any success; it seems you have to block individual people and can't do the same with stupid apps. I may be wrong, but I'm open to assistance!