A collection of miscellaneous thoughts, tales from true life and other bits and bobs; but don't compare me with Rhett Butler, because he couldn't be arsed, apparently...
At least we know why your moustache is so bushy now!
I'm not sure abut the 1996 pic - you're very brave letting that one out! What were you eventually charged with? ;)
OOh! My passport turned up today :)
Wipe your nose. You have a hairy bogey on your top lip.
points and laughs
I don't know what happened to the one between 1973 and 1996. If I find it, I'll let you know. The photo was probably just as flattering!
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At least we know why your moustache is so bushy now!
I'm not sure abut the 1996 pic - you're very brave letting that one out! What were you eventually charged with? ;)
OOh! My passport turned up today :)
Wipe your nose. You have a hairy bogey on your top lip.
points and laughs
I don't know what happened to the one between 1973 and 1996. If I find it, I'll let you know. The photo was probably just as flattering!
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