Blogs here are a bit like my Italian – fairly scarce in the existence department; the following is a partial remedy.
S and her sister kindly arranged a short break in a Pisa hotel and we (accompanied by my brother-in-law, of course) duly flew from Bournemouth International (15 minutes away) to Pisa (2 hours away) at a quarter past bleary-eyed-and-bodied o’clock on Monday morning and returned last Thursday evening. The whole (bed & breakfast and return flights) shebang (all booked on the intermanet) was remarkably cheap. Unfortunately, none of us had an O-level or GCSE in Italian Menu Translation, so eating out while we were there was a kind of culinary mystery tour.
The Leaning Tower was:- (1) marvellous and (2) a bloody long walk from the railway station. Several hundred Japanese people will hope to fool their relatives into thinking that they were holding the tower up – no doubt with hilarious consequences.
Florence was:- (1) very lovely indeed and (2) extremely tiring to walk around. We certainly did not regret the decision to take two open-topped bus tours around and above the city. It was nice to have a sit down for a while – both tours took an hour each. You paid on one tour bus and the ticket was valid for 24 hours on either of the routes covered. This lessened the impact of the €20 per person charge somewhat.
For now, you will have to make do with just a handful of pictures.
First, a view from the hotel swimming pool.

A fine pair of knockers in Florence.

A lovely holiday spot.

Can you help? I can’t for the life of me think of a limerick using this as a basis.

Remind you of anyone?

There could be more!
Very good, thanks.
Thanks, but how can I convey my utter hatred to the sender?
Hols are exhausting!
Great pics
is that a cat flap underneath the left knocker?
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