At the risk of repeating what many others have already said: yay, woo, yarrrrr, fab and ace! What a corking day on Saturday at the meet, at The Mitre, or was it the mite at The Meeter? Anyway, it was great to see many people again and meet others for the first time, well, in the flesh, at least. In a way, we already knew each other, due mostly, if not entirely, to the Most Entertainingly Rubbish Website of 2005, and quite likely of 2003, 2004 and also many years to come. I was
forced by Omally into given the signal honour of awarding Simon the prestigious trophy you see in the picture (next to the car-park bound Maltesers) - unfortunately, the
cardboard platinum pigeon appears to have fallen off the top. As you can see by Simon’s expression, he cannot believe his luck! Sparkly and Jess look on in awe. Actually, during the award ceremony, I committed a cardinal sin and there may be a (very) small prize for the first person to mention it in a comment - not you, Henry and Trouty! I told you about it!
Which brings me to another staggeringly exciting bit of news. I am officially a boat person! No, not the type that floats over here in a biscuit tin from some civil-war-torn foreign state with dodgy politics, no, a narrow-boat-type person. Yes, on the way back from the Oxford meet, Cap’n H N T Thirst let me get my hands on his rudder and his throttle AND I SAILED THE CHARLOTTE ROSE OUT OF A LOCK! Is that a staggeringly decent bit of intelligence or what? What? Oh, I see.
So, despite leaving my digital camera at the restaurant we went to on Saturday night (I got it back the next morning), consigning Omally and Maddy to a fate worse than death on the railway line from Banbury to Southampton and committing the aforementioned cardinal sin, I am a thoroughly competent person in many ways. Well, sorry, but I had a fantastic weekend!
I was in the immediate vicinity when you vouchsafed the self-same Important News to the 'king King himself, being 'en route' (that's forrin for being en route) to Didcot Parkway due to Engineering Works meaninga abus from Banbury to Didcot. So we raced it. And won. Hurrah!).
Well done for winning the race! It was lovely meeting you and Ned at last. And Ned didn't see the kiss, did he?
Guilty Schmuilty, Lois! No need at all, at all! It was so very kind of you to pick us up on Saturday! You can have the knighthoods that I've deducted off of Simon for dropping his maltesers. :)
More importantly, The Wey is now *your* canal also! Welcome to the club ! :D
I'm all moist now!
Was your cardinal sin, to find the only bar in Oxford that didn't sell real beer?
No, ned, I cannot tell a lie: The Mitre was a fait accompli, courtesy of Simon!
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