Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ups and Downs

Hello there, everyone, remember me? It’s Lois. You know, the young good-looking one with the moustache and cheery demeanour. Once upon a time I used to blog and I began to think I was going to live happily ever after within easy reach of red wine and never blog again but here I am, about to recount the ups and downs of the Easter weekend and the 6th Annual Festival of Real Ales. I'll start with the Downs. Downs * Four 14-hour days on the trot (S frequently does amazingly long hours – I don’t know how).

* Back ache bending to pour ales * Back ache endeavouring to straighten up again * Missing Jan and Ned’s visit. * Knobheads customers congregating inches away from precariously balanced barrels of real ale (even on one occasion leaning on one!!) and who, when asked to move because (haha!) "the barrel's contents are quite sensitive", say, "so am I.

* I produced a laminated list of the ales on offer with images of the pump badges and a short description of each. Towards the end of the weekend, I crossed through those which had sold out. I quickly got sick of giving lengthy explanations after people perusing the list asked what was going well. See those big thick black crosses which have obscured some of the entries? We haven’t got any of those left! D'YOU SEE? (It is probably best not to shake punters by the neck whilst explaining this).

* Constantly having to tell children not to throw bark chippings from the play area onto the garden/slide/at other children; and not to throw stones from the garden pathway onto the grass/play area/slide/at other children. I find it helps to don a Scream mask whilst admonishing the little darlings.

* Telling people that their dog must be kept on a lead in the garden seating area, then watching them sitting down while the dog chases sticks they throw or has a crap up the garden on the end of an expanding lead. Grrr! (That was me).


* Takings.

Tra la!


Anonymous said...

A few more of them and you'll be able to buy that Jag!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Pub Life. Grand stuff if you like talking at (not to, as they never listen) nobs. I mean customers.

NigelH said...

Hurrah! You are reconnected, Omally!

Peter said...

Is takings up because of crappy bar staff dishing out pints when the customer (ie me) asked for a half??? :))))

Anonymous said...

A fine landlord following the tradition of Grandma Mort:
"No, I haven't got (x) drink. And because you asked for something I haven't got I'm going to THROW YOU OUT"

"Yes it is hot by the fire. No I can't turn it down because it is a real fire. SO I'M GOING TO THROW YOU OUT"

"Someone in here is wearing Musk. No it isn't nice so I'm going to THROW YOU OUT"

"When I asked you what you wanted to drink you dithered and changed your mind so I'M GOING TO THROW YOU OUT"

Customer service? Don't make oi larf. Lord knows why we didn't starve.

Mort's Mom

NigelH said...

I appear to be a novice compared to Grandma Mort! I'm going to try some of those!

elo15e said...

It's sounds a lot more exciting than bimbling down to the photocopier or (steady on) the canteen.
'They' say never work with children or animals - it's sounds like you got a pub full!