Friday, July 21, 2006

Call that Football? – Update

Just when you thought it was safe to forget about the first blog in this series, I urge you to read the comment added to it by my son, Andrew, here. Very eloquently put, if I may say so. The matter is under advisement and I am considering my legal position.


Jeangenie said...

Your poor deluded child. Football is indeed rubbish, and tedious in the extreme.

Roy Cavanagh said...

Brilliant. A wonderful piece of writing that would put many journalists to shame. If I had a hat, I'd take it off to your son. In fact, I'm going out tomorrow to buy a hat and take it off to your son. Not only that, I'm seriously debating whether to book my train ticket to Burnley on Saturday for the opening day of the season.
Opening day fixtures always promise so much; warm sunny days in August, beer and bonhomie with friends you haven't seen since the last game of last season. You have hope, belief, that this will be your team's year.

And if we get relegated, I'll have somebody to blame!