Monday, December 24, 2007


Just a quick blog to wish all you lovely people a very Merry (see heading). As some of you will know (well, those of you whose telephone numbers I have will know because I’ve rung you) I have already spoken to you (not all of you, obviously, as I don’t have all your numbers, although I’ve got all the numbers of the numbers of those of you I have got). Is that clear so far? Good.

I have continued to be conspicuous by my absence, as you will continue to have noticed, and this has been caused by enormous amounts of work that have been arriving in my IN tray - well, I haven't really got an IN tray as such, I've got one of those five-tray tower thingies which are full of, erm, well, I'd better check, actually, and none of them is marked 'IN', even though new incoming work starts off in the very top one and either makes its way to my desk or falls out of the back and down into the cobwebby detritus that infests the floor behind the little table on which the tower thingy sits (shouldn't that be stands?) and where several extension lead sockets are located - aha! is that what the smoke is?

Are you still with me? Good, because I send all my very best wishes to you and hope that next year is going to be roaringly better than this one, even though this one may have been roaringly good for some of you, or even all of you; well, anyway, roaringly better has got to be good - hasn't it?

Love from me.


Unknown said...

Backatcha, Lois (or similar trendy phrase)!

Pookledo said...

Happy Christmas Lois :)

silver horde said...

Any year you survive is a good year!

Merry Chrimbo and a happy wotsit!


Lord Hutton said...

I thought had retired? And yes, you did confuse me with your phone call, cos my phone didnt recognise your number (incomplete data transfer)

Peter said...

Hope you had a good one