Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I feel like Sandra Bullock. I'm sure I'm not the only man to have said that at one time or another in his life but I'm not talking about a desire to know her carnally or anything like that……ermmm…… well, anyway, for the purpose of this blog, I feel like her because, the other night, I saw the film "Premonition" in which she plays a character who has extraordinarily vivid and disturbing dreams that foresee her husband's death and the aftermath (the beforemath as well, actually) of it. It is a quite entertaining fillum. 

Recently, I, too, have been experiencing dreams (at last, the point!) which, although they have chronicled slightly less important issues than my husband's death (you know what I mean), have still induced a strong feeling of unease at the time. These are the ones I can remember:- - I lose a large encyclopedia which I borrowed from the library and which is due back that day - A train drives over my glasses and I have lost my spare pair - I arrive at my local pub and it has been demolished - I suddenly find myself in a totally unfamiliar location (possibly in forrin) wearing only swimming trunks - I wake up suddenly, thinking I have overslept and missed a very important appointment, but it is only 5.45 a.m. I realise this is not strictly speaking a dream but have no doubt it is the consequence of some unconscious thought processes occurring during sleep. Of course, I then can't get back to sleep. 

I'm a bit fed up feeling like Sandra Bullock now.


Lord Hutton said...

The pub? Demolished???! egad

Max said...

Egads indeed; more like a nightmare

omally said...

Sounds like you're worried about not being in control. Almost identical theme on each dream. Happens to us all, mate. Just remember that when you wake up, well, it was all just a dream.

NigelH said...

I KNEW the pub one would upset you, too, Hutters!

Peter said...

Its the picture of you in swimming trunks that I'm going to have nightmares about tonight

Anonymous said...

I often dream that my bed has taken off and flown out the window.

I quite like that one.