Inevitable, wasn't it? Well, both of the above, of course. One happens at the same time every year and the other happens to me after an operation.
There is now officially no more room in my tablet box: antibiotics have been added to the Amlodipine, Ramipril, Paracetamol, Codeine Phosphate and Diclofenac. If I could only jump up and down, I would rattle. Still, it's apparently not too serious but I've got to go back to see the nurse to have the wound redressed on Christmas Eve and again on Monday. If only it was my birthday before then, I could go free on the bus! Anyway, with the first part of the heading in mind, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a stupendous Christmas and New Year and desperately hope to be able to make the February meet to see a lot of you again. I've said this before, but you are a marvellous bunch of people who I have been privileged to know during the past few years. It's a great shame the internet wasn't around sooner. Love to all of you.
There is now officially no more room in my tablet box: antibiotics have been added to the Amlodipine, Ramipril, Paracetamol, Codeine Phosphate and Diclofenac. If I could only jump up and down, I would rattle. Still, it's apparently not too serious but I've got to go back to see the nurse to have the wound redressed on Christmas Eve and again on Monday. If only it was my birthday before then, I could go free on the bus! Anyway, with the first part of the heading in mind, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a stupendous Christmas and New Year and desperately hope to be able to make the February meet to see a lot of you again. I've said this before, but you are a marvellous bunch of people who I have been privileged to know during the past few years. It's a great shame the internet wasn't around sooner. Love to all of you.
Have a lovely Christmas, and wishing you a speedy recovery. I really hope you're able to make the meet, but if you can't we'll organise another one in the summer just for you x
Get well soon. All the best for Christmas.
And I think Fluffy is being a little too generous.
Hope you're feeling more the thing soon - I'll expect cartwheels at the meet (even if they're only drawings)!
Glad tidings! Hope you stop the rattle soon!! Just soak them with a little of what does you good!
Get well soonest. Best wishes for a healthier year to come.
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