A collection of miscellaneous thoughts, tales from true life and other bits and bobs; but don't compare me with Rhett Butler, because he couldn't be arsed, apparently...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tuesday Challenge #6 - "Blue"
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday Challenge #5 - One Out Of One (and lamp-post update)
Friday, February 06, 2009
A little light relief
Every Thursday, I meet some friends at the pub and we have a few games of pool, a foaming brew or two, and a laugh. My mate Roy gives me a lift. He duly arrived and, as I left the house, I saw a man wearing a luminous yellow jacket and a safety helmet. He came over to speak to me.
Man: ‘scuse me, mate (pointing to the grass verge next to our house), d’you know if there used to be a street lamp here?
Me: Well, I’ve lived here for 23 years and there’s never been one here during that time.
Man: Only, we’ve been told to replace it.
Me: See my previous remark above.
Roy: Perhaps someone nicked it.
Me: Haha.
Man: Haha. Look at my map – it’s definitely marked as being here. See? Number 5.
Me: So it is, but, as I say, to my knowledge, there’s never been one here.
He then wandered off down the road, looking for the elusive Number 5 lamp-post. We thought no more of it especially as he did not appear to have a replacement street light about his person and went to the pub. We related the incident to our friends with great merriment until, about five minutes later, we saw a lorry go past with a street lighting column on the back. I suggested that perhaps Yellowcoat had misunderstood his instructions and the order was for installation rather than replacement.
Wife: Would you mind telling me what you’re doing?
Yellowcoat: We’re replacing the street lighting column.
Wife: How can you replace it, there’s never been one here.
Yellowcoat: Well, it’s shown on the map and I’m sorry I’ve got no choice but to do what I’ve been instructed.
Wife: But I don’t particularly want a street light here; there’s one across the road, two behind us at the end of the Close, and one just along the road two properties away. Anyway, I don’t want a light shining into the house all night.
Yellowcoat: Oh, you needn’t worry about that – it only shines straight downwards. Anyway, there’s no electricity.