Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hold the front page

This is my entry to Stu's Tuesday Challenge #3, "Front Page", and is intended to be for a magazine called, perhaps, "Gun Dogs Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly". Or maybe "Dangerous Toys"; take your pick. As for post-production, I had great difficulty finding a suitable indoor location and had to, er, artificially enlarge (only slightly) the grey board behind the subject, plus cropping and faffing around with levels. This is fun - I think.


Lord Hutton said...

Stop pretending you know what you are doing! I spent an hour tonight indoors and came up with nowt

Claire said...

Aww bless that doggie tries so hard yet fails to look threatening at all.
Maybe it should be a billboard poster for toy story: gone wrong

Becky said...

That is proper cute. :D

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Max said...

That dog has weird eyes - they kind of follow you around the room