Monday, January 23, 2006

On reflection ......

So Jenny’s got Painter's Joints! Pah! My left arm, thigh, knee and whole back have been telling me for the last two days to stop installing convex mirrors halfway up the telegraph pole opposite the pub car park entrance, standing on a precariously positioned ladder with its feet in the road. I can only agree never to do it again.


Peter said...

and there are those of us who think that running a pub is just about pulling pints...

Paul said...

Was the job properly risk assessed? Sounds to me as if you've been contravening the Working at Height Regulations 2005. (and HASAWA 1974. and MHSWR 1985)

NigelH said...

It's a fair cop, but society's to blame.

Anonymous said...

The mirror got nicked again? There must be some damn big budgies up your way, Lois.

Peter said...

Perhaps it was the rats in the kitchen....