Thursday, December 21, 2006


Christmas, I am sure, has a special meaning for every individual. I know someone to whom it signifies nothing but the anniversary of their child’s death; that’s a sobering thought. For most, it’s a time to rejoice with family and friends. Whatever it means to you, it just seems an appropriate time for me to say a few words about some people I have come to know. You know who you are and I must say it has been a pleasure to have been associated with you all in one way or another. You have told me something about your hopes, dreams, successes, failures, your life, and it is somehow uplifting to have been a small part of it. I’m not sure I can remember how it happened now, but I think Omally was involved somewhere along the line! Anyway, thank you for your kindness and friendship; my only regret is that we didn’t meet 30 years ago, although I realise that some of you weren’t even a glint in your Dad’s eye then!

Happy Hogswatch to one and all and I hope I’ll see a lot of you in January!


Anonymous said...

Awww, you old softy :)
Mery Xmas to you and yours, Lois!

Jeangenie said...

We usually blame Omally as well. ;)

Happy Christmas, Lois, and see you at the meet. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah wot they said. i'll be at the meet if i can :0)

M x

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas

silver horde said...

Happy Christmas to you and your family!
I won't be able to make the meet as we leave the Monday before!
But do hope to visit the New Forest during the last week of December.
Will give you a call on your cell!
ttfn Jane

NigelH said...

Cell? Oh, jane, don't be so merkin!

Max said...

H A P P Y C H R I S T M A S!

elo15e said...

Merry Christmas to you and a really happy new year, Lois!

Peter said...

Happy New Year lois...

If you are ever in town, we'll have to do lunch (a pub lunch of course)