Today, we went shopping in
For about two weeks now, our front doorbell has not worked. I bought a new battery for the bell-push, having got the digital meter out and established the presence of insufficient voltage in the current one - see what I did there? It still didn't work.
During our perambulations, we happened upon Robert Dyas (I can never go past the damn shop) and I spotted a wireless doorbell on offer for 15 GBP instead of 30. You can even record and play your own messages or download music to the chime unit. I did toy with the idea of recording a shouted message along the lines of "open the fucking door, someone!" but thought that might upset the Salvation Army if they ever called, so I opted for the default Big Ben chime (in my opinion rather grandly referred to in the manual as the Westminster). This was the least offensive of the 8 pre-loaded tones available included among which is the Lambada and the Mexican Hat Dance. You would probably find people dancing on your front doorstep. Hmmm.
Well, the bell-push already had a nice CR2032 button battery installed but I had to nip over to the Tesco Express opposite to get a couple of LR14s (aka UM2 or C) for the chime unit. Before I did that, however, I was in the kitchen fiddling with the new bell-push. When I pressed it, the old doorbell rang.
We have a clock that does Westminster. Currently 7 and a 1/4 hours wrong
Let me know the model of that recordable, downloadable doorbell thingy Please!
I've always wanted a doorbell that knocked when you rang it!
Now THAT'S funny!
Max, it's a Uni-Com Recording Door Chime 55266/SC363! And I need to try and stop my wife recording Queen on it.
We have a simliar problem. Whenever someone visits the house over the road our doorbell rings. They get waaaay more visitors than us.
Ha Ha! Found a recordable doorbell on internet - there's one at the local Maplins.
Guess I'll have to go knock on their door tomorrow!
How about a "Recordable Parrot Wireless Doorbell"
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