Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ruby Cabernet and Ibuprofen

I have invented a new cocktail using the above ingredients, although I have not thought of a name for it yet. It helps temporarily, but only with physical pain. Well, maybe with the other sort as well. Anyway, I am not going to dwell on any more sadness - enough has been said to depress any traveller who chances upon these chronicles.

Today, on several occasions, it has taken me about 5 minutes to get down the stairs and probably 7 or 8 to get back up. The pain subsides when I am sitting in my high-backed office chair, so I will probably be sleeping in it tonight! No, that's silly, it's OK when I am in bed flat on my back; the trouble is, I have to make my way there! And then I'm at the mercy of any naked blonde lady who happens to be passing.

Oh well, if any naked blonde ladies are reading this, help yourself, I'm resigned to my fate! Just be very gentle with me and make no sudden movements!

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