Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Upright, at last!

It's nice to be able to walk - albeit slowly and carefully - in a perpendicular fashion, even though I have been bent double for only 48 hours - it seems longer, mind you. As the day has worn on, the ability to achieve this physical state has increasingly asserted itself. Don't ask me why the pain occurs without any identifiable trigger - it just seems to happen every 12-18 months. "Oi!", it says, "I am your back, and you are abusing me still, and taking me for granted (is my back a woman?), I'm going to teach you another lesson! You never learn, do you? Here goes, then." "Owwwww!" (that was me).

We were dishing out mulled wine and mince pies at the local community Christmas Carol Service tonight and, fortunately, Andrew, Matthew and Marie were on hand to help so my presence was virtually pointless. I think the pointlessness could continue for some time.


Anonymous said...

Never mind your back: just make sure you save some mulled wine and mince-pies for me! :D

Back-pain is horrible - if it happens to me again (yes, I may be only a 'young whipper-snapper' but it's hereditary) I may invest some time and money in a chiropractor. I've heard good reports from some work colleagues.

NigelH said...

Well - a Comment from a hereditary whipper-snapper - I am honoured!