Friday, November 11, 2005

Sumpkin Poop

Have you ever smelt rotten pumpkin? I don’t think you have, because you would quite likely be throwing up by now: I nearly did! As some of you may know, we have had two enormous pumpkins in the pub for a couple of weeks now, for the purpose of running a competition to guess their joint weight and to subsequently sell chunks of them, both for charitable purposes. Well, one of the buggers had given up the ghost in the vicinity of its nether regions and leaked all over the carpet. I think someone at a private party a few days ago who was the worse for alcomohol had damaged it by climbing on it, puncturing it, and then falling off it! Liquid was spreading inexorably toward tables in the back bar that had been reserved for punters taking part in the quiz that night. I had to use our industrial carpet cleaner to try and deal with the ghastly situation and several able-bodied male customers were engaged to shift both pumpkins out of the building. Did we need this on Quiz Night? What do you think? Still, things were accomplished and the evening went swimmingly. Hurrah for brilliant staff and helpers!


Anonymous said...

Did you take a picture for next year's pumpkin competition?! Sounds vile!

Pookledo said...

I left a pumpkin in a carrier bag on my bedroom floor once. I forgot all about it until one day the bag split and it oozed all over the bedroom carpet.


Anonymous said...

I sympathise, Lois: When Maddy and I scooped out our pumpkins this year, I thought it would be jolly clever to put the scoopings into a handy empty booze box that was just lying around in the kitchen.
The box was left in the living room (much more conducive to scooping than the kitchen) for a number of days and, upon attempting to lift the box to enbinnify it, the bottom came off and I flooded my lovely blue rug with pumpkin oozings. Not nice.

silver horde said...

Can I add a 'me too'!!
We had one leak all over the hall floor. yuck!

Anonymous said...

*peruses pub menu*
ooh, look dear, this sounds delicious!
i'll start with pumpkin soup with pumpkin a la greque for a main. then i'll have pumpkin surprise with salmonella sauce for pudding.
and what would you like?
to be sick?
oh dear.