Thursday, May 26, 2005

It's Who You Know

Well, would you Adam ‘n Eve it? A couple of weeks ago, during the day that I was sweating through the New Forest with Omally and Loretta, I learnt something which has proved to be to my advantage insofar as my geocaching activities (infrequent though they may be) are concerned. Apparently, the manufacturers of my car deliberately coated all its windows with a special GPS signal-blocking material (or athermic coating) so that I have been unable (for that hitherto unknown reason) to fully enjoy the thrill gained from following a pointing arrow or watching the little triangle moving along a map (as opposed to watching the road through the windscreen). My eTrex Vista would continually lose satellite reception. However, being A Person In The Know, Omally told me what I needed to rectify this and, of course, over the next couple of weeks, I duly forgot what it was. So, yesterday, I had a rare lucid moment and, via the medium of electronical mail, I asked Omally what was the gizmo that he had said I needed. He duly responded with the words: "Well, if I am not very much mistaken, that bad boy would be the RRAD-45 Re-radiating Antenna, available for a mere 37.32 GBP exc. VAT, 43.85 GBP inc. VAT from GPS Warehouse, www.gpsw/" He was right! GPS Warehouse relieved me of the readies (plus 3.95 GBP postage) with little or no pain and they kindly sent me a message this morning saying my purchase had been despatched. I can’t wait to get my hands on its polycarbonate radome enclosure. And, who knows, I may even go out geocaching with it!


NigelH said...

Is that an undercover jobbie?

Peter said...

buy your a Mk 2 Cavalier like mine... not problem with signal then