Thursday, September 22, 2005


Sorry to go on about it but, in case you didn’t know, we had a Dairy-Product-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named and Wine Evening at the pub last night and, as you may or may not be aware, I had to do some tasting notes. Well, I was OK on the Buffalino (despite being sidetracked by some fascinating information on the world-famous tap-dance instructor Brenda Buffalino) and all the other chee… er… relevant foodstuffs but – can you believe it? – New Zealand Anchor Mature Cheddar proved to be a major stumbling block in the search for enlightenment. Yes, Cheddar! I ask you! So I had to make it up. And here’s what I came up with (and considering it was at about 2 a.m.) a valiant, if predictable, effort, though I say it myself:- “What can you say about Cheddar? It comes in many different shades and strengths. Originally a unique English cheese, it is now produced in many other countries. This is just one example, and, on a taste strength scale of 1 (mild) to 10 (ouch!), Waitrose (for example, but we didn’t get it from there, oh no!) grade it a 10! It’s not mature if it doesn’t burn the roof of your mouth!” Oh dear, that’s made me read it again. Still, the punters bought it!


Pookledo said...

*mouth watering*

Cheese you say?


Peter said...

I always thought you were a bit cheesy Lois...

NigelH said...

Who said anything about cheese?