Yesterday was only remarkable for the presence of men on bicycles dressed as ladies – the men, that is, not the bikes. I was busy compiling Thursday’s pub quiz and looking at some holiday cottages that Loretta had found, many of which she could only have afforded if accompanied by 249 other people (Simon’s suggestion). Upon hearing a slight commotion, I glanced out of the window. The glance was quickly transformed into a good long look, followed by (or even combined with) some baffled staring. Streaming into the Tesco car park opposite were several cyclists. On closer scrutiny, it turned out they were all men wearing women’s clothing! Was it a meeting of the New Forest Cross Dressing Cyclists Society? Were they part of the Tandems For Transvestites campaign? The mystery was cleared up later in the day when I met a couple of them in Tesco. I asked what the occasion was and one of them said it was a stag party for his cousin. I commented that I thought it was a top stunt and wished them all the best. I considered mentioning to the other one that his dress was pretty but that it didn’t go with his complexion or his beard and moustache, but thought better of it. It
was pretty, though.

Later, I watched (from Number 30 upwards) the Top 100 Children’s TV Programmes (as voted for by YOU!) and would just like to issue the following statements to Channel 4: (1) I know where you live, and (2) if you continue to maintain that ‘The Simpsons’ is a children’s programme, I will come round there and beat you all senseless until you desist from such ludicrous contentions.
That’s all, really.
good to see welly boots making a fashion statement.
Magic Roundabout was a fav of mine!
simpsons, south park and spongebob all favs of my teenage son!
Many 'kids' programmes have jokes that only adults will get, doesn't stop them being kids programmes
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