Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Limerick Thingy

Some of you will be familiar with the above feature of a certain rubbish website and the monotonous regularity with which it is hijacked! One such recent occasion has prompted me to complete a quite promising piece of doggerel which was cruelly vandalised by a regular contributor whose good lady is possibly one of the most perceptive people in Devon today. A \/\/311 l33t hax0r c4113d 573v3
r3l83d 2 4d4/\/\ 4nd 3v3
\/\/4z h34rd 70 3xc141/\/\
01 u! \/\/075 uR g4m3?
i/\/\ 4fr41d i /\/\u57 47x u 2 134v3 You may or may not need to go and look at this


Paul said...

I'll get me c047...

NigelH said...

Yes, she is!

Qov said...

Can you translate that into English or Klingon or something?

silver horde said...

I went to the help site but it didn't.
Surely it takes longer to type the leekspeek?